How to remove ice maker from Samsung refrigerator

Samsung is the world’s most renowned company for its it’s appliances. If you are using the Samsung refrigerator and you want to remove the ice maker from the refrigerator and you don’t know how to remove ice maker from Samsung refrigerator. Now you don’t have to worry, I am going to tell you step by step how to remove the ice maker from the refrigerator.

There can be several reasons for removing the ice maker from the refrigerator. To clean the ice maker, to replace the ice maker, or for any other reason, now you can remove the ice maker on your own, without taking any help from others.

Before removing the ice maker from the Samsung refrigerator I want to tell you that if your refrigerator is in warranty period then don’t try to remove the ice maker by yourself.

You can call the service center for help and they will send a professional to remove it. If you will remove the ice maker by yourself in the warranty period then the company will cancel the warranty.

Things you need

You need some tools to remove the ice maker from the refrigerator. So, before you start removing the ice maker make sure that you have all the required things with you at that time. If you don’t have any one of those then first bring that thing and after that start your work.

Things you require to remove the ice maker are- a screwdriver, pliers, soft cloth, and a bucket or any other container to catch water from dripping on the floor.

Power off the refrigerator

The first thing you should do before starting is to power off the refrigerator. Switch off the power button and then remove the plug from the electric outlet. It is very important to power off the refrigerator and unplug it, it’s a safety measure you should always keep in mind.

If you do not remove the plug or do not power off the refrigerator then there is a very high chance that you can get an electric shock from the refrigerator. So, it is for your own safety to remove the electrical connection.

Let the ice maker defrost

After removing the plug let ice melt. Remove the ice maker for a while unplugged. It is important to melt the ice before the removal process starts. It makes the removal process a little easier because ice gets attached to almost every part of the ice maker including the supply line and cooling coil.

If don’t want to leave your refrigerator unplugged for a long time then you can do one other thing. Before unplugging defrost the ice maker and when all the ice melts, remove the plug. To defrost the ice maker you have to press the defrost button for a few seconds till you hear the beep sound or you feel a little vibration on your finger. If you cannot find the defrost button then check the user manual to find the defrost button.

Remove the items

After defrosting or while defrosting remove the items from the ice maker and from the refrigerator as well. Removing the items from the refrigerator is important because you need space to remove the ice maker. To make space you have to remove the items and also remove the shelves for more space.

After removing the items from the ice maker now remove the ice bin and ice trays from the ice maker. These things are removed without the help of any tool so remove them before removing the ice maker.

remove items samsung ice maker

Remove the water supply

Once you remove all the items from the ice maker and refrigerator, it’s time to remove the water supply line from the ice maker. It is important to disconnect the water supply before removing the ice maker to prevent water leakage.

To disconnect the water supply you have to remove the water supply line from the sink or from the water inlet valve wherever it is connected. Before you remove the water supply line close the valve or the tap so the water does not come out from the valve after removing the valve. Although be prepared for little water because the water supply line contains little water in it, be ready with a dry cloth to wipe away the water from the floor.

Remove the ice maker

After doing all these things now it’s time to remove the ice maker from the Samsung refrigerator. To remove the ice maker first, you have to detach the ice maker from the refrigerator by unscrewing the ice maker from its mounting point in the freezer with the help of a screwdriver. The number of screws are different in different models of Samsung refrigerator, check the number of screws according to your model of the refrigerator.

The exact methods of detaching the ice maker may vary according to the model of your refrigerator but mainly it involves removing the screws from the mounting point. In some models of Samsung refrigerators, they use plastic clips with screws to attach the ice maker, so if you have this type of model then you have to remove the plastic clips along with screws.

Now once you have removed the screws from the mounting points it’s time to remove the ice maker for the refrigerator. To remove the ice maker you have to pull the ice maker delicately. If you will pull the ice maker harshly then you might damage the ice maker or you will break the wires. That is why you have to pull out the ice maker gently.

remove ice maker samsung

Once the ice maker comes out it’s time to detach all the wires from the ice maker. The ice maker is connected to several wires in the refrigerator. Now, use the pliers to remove all the connections of the wire from the ice maker. Remember all the connections of the wire very well or I will suggest clicking a picture of the connections of the wire. It will be very useful for next time and also for reattaching the ice maker.

Now you have unplugged all the wires from the ice maker, remove the ice maker from the Samsung refrigerator.

Things to do after removing the ice maker

After removing the ice maker from the refrigerator it’s to inspect the ice maker carefully. Check whether there is any damage or crack in the ice maker. If you want to reinstall it then clean the ice maker carefully. Also if there is any damage then fix the problem either by yourself(if you can fix it) or take the help of a professional.

If you want to install a new ice maker then reverse the same process and you will install the ice maker in the refrigerator.


Can I remove my Samsung refrigerator’s ice maker permanently?

No, you cannot remove the ice maker permanently from your Samsung refrigerator. If you try to run your refrigerator without the ice maker then the control panel of the refrigerator will display an error code.

How to remove the ice bucket from the Samsung refrigerator, if it is stuck?

This can happen if there is any block of ice obstructing the ice bucket or freezing the ice bucket in its place. In this case defrost the ice maker, once the ice is melted your ice bucket will come out easily.

Tools required to remove the ice maker from the Samsung refrigerator?

You do not need many things to remove the ice maker but there are some essential tools that are important to remove the ice maker. The tools are screwdriver, pliers, soft cloth, bucket(to hold water), and safety goggles(optional).

Is it safe to remove the ice maker from my Samsung refrigerator myself?

You can remove the ice maker from your Samsung refrigerator easily if you follow my instructions carefully. You can use the manual guide also for extra help. However, if you are unsure that you can do it properly then I will suggest you take the help of a professional.

How to disconnect the water supply?

To remove the water supply from the refrigerator you have to turn off the valve or the tap then remove the water supply line from the valve or from the sink.

If By doing any of above-mentioned steps, if the ice maker is not working then follow the steps which is mentioned here

How do I clean the ice maker and the surrounding area of the ice maker?

To clean the ice maker and the surrounding area of the ice maker you have to take a cloth, warm water, and a little detergent or dishwashing soap. Add the detergent or soap in the warm water then dip the cloth in the solution and wipe the ice maker and surrounding area properly. After wiping clean the residue with a new cloth dipped in water, clean the area properly. Once you clean the ice maker and surrounding area wipe them with a dry cloth thoroughly after that let the ice maker dry properly.


Removing the ice maker from the refrigerator can be a hectic task but now you can do it without any problem. You should remove your ice maker and clean it once every six to eight months. And now that you have removed your ice maker from your Samsung refrigerator, do whatever you want to do in the refrigerator.