How To Take Apart Frigidaire Countertop Ice Maker

Sometimes we have to take apart the Frigidaire countertop ice maker, which can be for several reasons. It can be a hectic task and many people don’t know how to take apart the Frigidaire countertop ice maker. There are several steps to take apart the ice maker.

There are several reasons for taking apart the countertop ice maker such as to clean the Frigidaire countertop ice maker thoroughly, if the ice maker is malfunctioning then to fix the problem. To change any part of the ice maker and many other reasons.

If you do not know how to take apart the Frigidaire countertop ice maker then you don’t have to worry anymore. I am going to give step-by-step instructions on how to remove the ice maker. If you don’t know anything then also you can take apart the ice maker, you just have to follow my instructions as it is.

Things you need

Before you start taking apart the countertop ice maker you should have some important tools by which you can take apart the ice maker. The first thing you should do is to collect all the tools in one place which I will tell you. Keeping all the important things in one place is important because you do not have to move every time you need something in between work.

Things you require are-






Rubber gloves (optional)

Remove the plug

The first thing to do is to remove the plug of the ice maker from the electric outlet. It is a very crucial step, many do not take it seriously and do not remove the plug of the ice maker and get the electric shock. The shock can be very dangerous and life-threatening. It is for your own safety, to remove the plug from the electric outlet.

First check whether the plug is removed or not, if not then remove the plug after switching off the switch of the electric outlet.

Drain out water

Once you remove the plug, leave the ice maker for several minutes then remove water from the water reservoir of the ice maker. It is important to remove all the water from the ice maker before you start taking apart the ice maker.

To remove water from the Frigidaire ice maker the first thing you should do is to put the bucket under the ice maker so the water does not spill on the floor and make the entire floor wet. Once you put the bucket under the ice maker remove the drain plug from the water reservoir. Water will start draining out of the ice maker. Let all the water drain out first, then put the drain plug back in the water reservoir.

Take out the ice bin

Before taking apart the ice maker, you have to take out the ice bin first. Check whether there is any ice in the ice bin or not, if there is ice then first remove all the ice from the ice bin. Use the ice if you want to otherwise throw the ice away.

Once you remove all the ice from the ice bin then slide out the ice bin from the ice maker. Sometimes the ice bin does not come out due to the blockage by the ice. In that condition let the ice melt or remove the ice with the help of a plastic knife, or use the hair dryer to melt the ice faster. When the ice melts properly then remove the ice bin from the ice maker.

ice bin removal

Remove the Top cover

After taking out the ice bin, it’s time to remove the top cover of the countertop ice maker. To remove the top cover you will need the screwdriver. The first thing you will take apart is the top of the countertop ice maker.

To remove the top cover you have to unscrew all the screws which are holding the top cover with the help of the screwdriver. Remember all the screws and put the screw in one place. I will recommend you to keep the screws in a bowl or a container to keep them safe.

Once you unscrew all the screws now pull out the top cover. The cover will come out easily. Keep the cover aside safely.

Remove the water supply

After removing the top cover of the countertop ice maker, now remove the water supply from the ice maker. Removing the water supply is very important otherwise your floor will get wet while taking apart the ice maker.

To remove the water supply you have to close the water inlet valve and then remove the water supply line from the valve and from the countertop ice maker as well. To remove the water supply line from the connecter take the help of the wrench and pliers. Also, be ready for some spill of the water, the cloth will come in handy at this time.

Disconnect the Wiring

Now it’s time to remove the wiring of the countertop ice maker. Locate all the wiring and harnesses that are connected to the main components of the ice maker. Once you locate all the wiring inside the ice maker disconnect them.

To disconnect the wiring use the pliers to disconnect the wires easily. Be gentle while disconnecting the wires, you just have to remove the wires so as not to tear them apart. Also, remember the positions of each wire for the future and it will come in handy while connecting the wires. I will suggest you take a picture of the wiring and harnesses in your mobile, so you do not have to remember all the locations of the wires.

Removing the ice-making mechanism

After removing all the wires now it’s time to remove the ice-making mechanism. In some specific models of the Frigidaire ice maker, it is compulsory to remove the ice-making mechanism in order to take apart the ice maker.

To remove the ice-making components you have to unscrew all the screws and also the fasteners. To unscrew the mechanism take the help of the screwdriver and for other things use the pliers and wrench. After removing all the holding parts of the mechanism now take out the ice-making mechanism.

Disassemble the ice maker

Once you take out the ice-making components, start disassembling the Frigidaire countertop ice maker. To take apart the rest of the countertop ice maker you have to remove all the bolts and screws from the body of the countertop ice maker.

Take the help of the wrench and screwdriver to disassemble the ice maker. Different models have different numbers of bolts and screws in them. If you do not know the exact locations of all the bolts and screws then take the help of the user manual.

After unscrewing and removing all the blots from the countertop ice maker take apart all the removable parts of the ice maker.

dissemble ice maker


How do you disassemble a Frigidaire countertop ice maker?

To disassemble a Frigidaire countertop ice maker you have to remove all the bolts and screws of the ice maker with the help of screwdriver, wrench, and pliers. After removing all of them disassemble the ice maker.

How do you remove the top cover of a countertop ice maker?

To remove the top cover of a countertop ice maker you have to unscrew all the screws which are holding the top cover with the help of a screwdriver and then pull out the top cover.

How do you drain water from a Frigidaire countertop ice maker?

To drain water from a Frigidaire countertop ice maker you have to remove the drain plug from the water reservoir and then the water will drain out. Sometimes you have to tilt the ice maker in order to remove all the water from the ice maker.

Can you leave water in the Frigidaire countertop ice maker?

No, leaving the water in the Frigidaire countertop ice maker will generate bacteria that are harmful to your health. So, remove water from the ice maker when you are not using it.

Is it safe to take apart my Frigidaire countertop ice maker by myself?

Taking apart your Frigidaire countertop ice maker by yourself can be safe if you follow the safety instructions properly, like unplugging the ice maker, using rubber gloves, and other instructions. If you are not confident then take the help of a professional for this work.


Well, taking apart the Frigidaire countertop ice maker can be challenging and needs a little hard work as well. By following the instructions I have given in this blog you can do this work very easily. Knowing how to disassemble the ice maker is a good skill to have and it can be useful. Now that you have taken apart your ice maker, do the work that you wanted to do.