Why Is My Ice Maker Making Too Much Ice

Ice maker is an excellent appliance for making ice and it is very useful for serving cold food or beverages, especially in the summer. Sometimes the ice maker may start malfunctioning and start making too much ice. This leads you to think why is my ice maker making too much ice.

There are several reasons for this problem. In this blog, I am going to address the problems that lead the ice maker to make too much ice.

Also, I will give you the best solution to this problem. If you are facing this type of issue then don’t take any tension, you just have to follow my instructions and your ice maker will get back to normal.

Excessive ice production can damage the ice maker. Also, too much production can overflow the ice bin which makes the ice maker messy and you can face the leaking problem as well. The reasons for too much ice production are-

Fault in the sensor

One of the primary reasons for ice makers making too much ice is a fault in the sensor of the ice maker. Sometimes, due to a malfunction in the sensor of the ice maker, the ice maker does not get the message to stop the production of the ice and it continues to make ice which leads to the overflow of the ice.

The sensor in the ice maker detects the level of the ice in the ice bin, once the ice reaches to the maximum point the sensor sends a message to the freezer to stop producing ice. When the freezer does not get the message, it does not stop the production of the ice.

To fix this problem there is only one best option and that is to replace the sensor of the ice maker. Do not try to fix the old sensor because you will only waste your money on the sensor and eventually you have to change the sensor.

If you try to fix the old sensor then it will work for a few days then it will stop working again. That is why the best option for this problem is to replace the old sensor with a new sensor.

icemaker sensor fault

How does an ice maker make ice – what is the science behind this – Click here

Problem of water supply

If there is excessive water supply in the icemaker then the ice maker will produce too much ice at once. If the water inlet valve is defective then it will allow too much water to flow into the ice maker.

This can happen if the water inlet valve does not shut off properly. The problem in the valve will increase the water supply in the ice maker and this will lead to excess ice production.

To fix this problem you have to replace the old water inlet valve with a new water inlet valve. You can repair the water inlet valve if there is any minor problem, there is no issue in repairing the water inlet valve for minor issues. If there is any major problem which you cannot fix by yourself then replace it.

water supply fault in icemaker

Water pressure is high

One more water-related issue in excessive ice-making is the pressure of water is too high. Due to the high water pressure more water gets into the ice maker and the ice maker makes too much ice.

The ice maker generally needs a pressure of twenty psi. If it gets more than that then the ice maker will make excessive ice.

To fix this problem you have to install a water pressure regulator. The water pressure regulator maintains the water pressure of the ice maker. This regulates the safe and consistent water pressure in the ice maker.

Lever is stuck

Sometimes the lever of the ice maker is stuck in the on position which causes the ice maker to make continuous ice. When ice is filled in the ice bin then it presses the wire in the lever and the lever closes the production of the ice until the ice bin clears out. If the lever gets stuck then it will not close the ice production and it will lead to excessive ice production.

To fix this problem you have to inspect the lever in the ice maker and check whether there is any obstacle or not. If there is any then clear the obstacle. If the lever is damaged or broken then replace the lever.

icemaker lever issues

Ice bin is not sealed properly

If the ice bin is not sealed properly then warm air will get inside the ice bin and melt the ice. This will lead to more ice freezing. This is not a big problem but this generally happens and people think that their ice maker is not working properly.

To fix this issue you just have to shut the ice bin properly. If there is any problem with the lid of the ice bin then replace the old lid with a new lid and your problem will go away.

Improper temperature

One of the main reasons for excessive ice production in the ice maker is improper temperature. If the temperature of the ice maker is too low then it will make ice continuously.

It happens very often and people don’t even realize that the actual problem is the temperature of the ice maker. Sometimes people set the temperature according to themselves and the temperature gets too low which leads to excessive ice production.

To fix this problem you have to reset the temperature in the ice maker. If don’t know what should be the temperature in the ice maker then check the user manual and set the temperature according to the instructions. Once you set the temperature back to normal the ice maker will not make too much ice.

Timer is malfunctioning

There is a timer in the ice maker that sets the run time of the ice maker. If the timer starts malfunctioning the ice maker will not stop and make ice continuously. If the timer in the ice maker gets faulty then it will not stop the ice maker even if the ice bin gets full.

To fix this problem you have to replace the timer in the ice maker or the control board whichever is responsible for the run cycle of the ice maker.

Also Read: Why Is My Ice Maker Not Working: Troubleshoot Tips

Dirty water line

If the water line is dirty or clogged or the fill tube gets blocked by the derbies or by any other things then this will create the irregular water flow in the ice maker. This will lead to fluctuation in ice production and this also can cause excessive ice production.

To fix this problem you have to check the water supply line or fill tube. If there is any dirt in the water line then clean the dirt properly. Do this thing more often so the water line does not get dirty and the ice maker gets the proper water supply continuously.

Old components

Over time the components of the ice maker get old. If any of the components gets worn out then this can lead to a malfunction in the ice maker. This causes excessive ice production in the ice maker.

To fix this problem you have to find the old component in the ice maker and then change that component with a new component. Check the components in the ice maker more often so will know that the component is getting old and replace that component.

icemaker old component


How can I fix the problem in my ice maker that makes too much ice?

To fix the problem in your ice maker that makes too much ice, you have to find the actual problem for that because there can be several reasons for this problem. Once you find the problem fix the problem accordingly.

Can high water pressure lead to excessive ice production?

Yes, high water pressure will lead to excessive ice production because when the pressure gets high more water gets in the ice maker which leads to more ice production.

What should I do if my ice maker is producing ice continuously due to a malfunctioning timer?

If your ice maker is producing ice continuously due to a malfunctioning timer then change the control board of the ice maker which is responsible for the malfunctioning timer.

Is excessive ice production a common issue with all ice makers?

Yes, excessive ice production is a common issue with all ice makers. This can happen due to several reasons. To fix these problems you have to maintain your ice maker.

How often should I perform maintenance on my ice maker to prevent issues like this?

You should regularly maintain your ice maker. Always check for worn-out components and replace the component if it is worn out. Check the water line and clean it regularly.


Ice makers making too much ice is a very common issue among ice makers. You have to regularly maintain your ice maker to not face these types of problems. If you face any such problem then follow the instructions given above and get rid of your problems. Ice maker is a machine and it needs regular maintenance to perform well, so keep it well maintained.