Why Is My Ice Maker Making Less Ice

On a hot summer day, you want a glass of ice-cold water and you open your ice maker to take ice. You find that your ice maker is making less ice than it used to make. This problem leads you to think why is my ice maker making less ice.

Well, there can be several reasons for this problem. Also, there are solutions for these problems. If your ice maker is making less ice than it used to make earlier then check out this blog to find the actual problem in your ice maker.

In this blog, I am going to discuss the reasons for ice makers making less ice. I will cover almost every major and minor reasons which are causing this problem. You just have to read this blog and find your ice maker’s problem and solve the issue by following the instructions.

Low water supply

One of the major and most common problems in the ice maker for making less ice is a low water supply. If the ice maker receives less water then it will not produce as much ice as it should produce. Also, the ice maker will take more time to make ice cubes.

less water supply in ice maker

If the water supply line of the ice maker is clogged or the connection of the supply line is loose then there will be a low water supply.

To fix this issue you have to check the connection of the water supply line and if the supply line is not connected properly then connect the supply line properly.

Also check the pipeline, if there is any dirt accumulated then clean the dirt properly. After doing these things your ice maker will start getting proper water supply and start making more ice.


Temperature of the ice maker

If your ice maker is making less ice then there can be one major reason for that which is the temperature of the ice maker. If the temperature of the ice maker is too high then the ice maker will make less ice.

Sometimes people set the wrong temperature of the ice maker by mistake and think that their ice maker is malfunctioning.

To fix this problem you have you reset the temperature of the ice maker. Check the user manual and set the temperature according to the manual. Once you set the temperature your ice maker will start making ice as it used to make. To make ice properly the ice maker needs around 0 degrees Fahrenheit.

temperature of the ice maker

Also Read - Why is my Ice Maker making too much Ice? A detailed guide on this problem.

Blocked water supply line

When the water supply line gets blocked then the ice maker does not get enough water to make ice properly. Over time dirt and minerals get accumulated in the supply line. Due to the blocked supply line, the supply of water stops, and ice maker stops making ice.

To fix this problem you have to stop the water supply and remove the water supply line from the water inlet valve. Then clean the supply line and the valve properly and remove all the dirt and debris from the supply line and also from the water inlet valve.

After cleaning fix the supply line into the valve and start the water supply. The ice maker will start making ice again.

Fault in water inlet valve

Sometimes due to the faulty water inlet valve the ice maker does not get enough water to make ice. If the water inlet valve starts malfunctioning then the ice maker will not get a perfect water supply and this leads to less ice production.

To fix this problem you have to find the actual problem in the water inlet valve and fix the problem accordingly.

If you do not get the problem or the problem is major then replace the water inlet valve with a new valve. If you don’t know how to fix the water inlet valve then take the help of a technician, they will solve your problem.

water inlet valve in ice maker


Water pressure is low

If the water pressure in the ice maker is low then the ice maker will not get enough water to make ice. Ice maker needs the proper amount of water to make ice and if it does not get enough water then the ice maker will struggle to make ice. This is why due to low water pressure the ice maker makes less ice.

To fix this problem check the pressure of water in the ice maker. To check the pressure of water in an ice maker you can take the help of a water pressure gauge.

If the pressure is low then increase the water pressure. If you don’t how to increase the water pressure then take help from a plumber. Set the water pressure according to the use manual.

Ice bin is filled

If the ice bin is filled with the ice then the ice maker will not make ice. There is a sensor in the ice maker that allows the ice maker to make more ice or to stop ice production. If the ice bin is filled with ice then the ice maker will send the signal to the freezer to stop the production if ice.

To fix this problem you just have to empty the ice bin properly. You can also empty the ice bin to a certain level so the ice maker starts the production of ice and you have ice in the ice bin. Also, avoid filling the ice bin with unnecessary things.

Water filter is clogged

If the water filter is clogged then the ice maker will not get enough water to make ice. The water filter purifies water in the ice maker and over time it gets dirty by the minerals accumulated in the filter.

Eventually, the water filter gets fully clogged and stops the water supply or reduces the water supply.

To fix this problem you have to take out the water filter and then clean it properly. I will recommend you to change the old water filter and fix a new filter in the ice maker.

Use the manufacturer’s guide to replace the water filter. You should change the water filter every six months.

Ice maker components malfunction

Sometimes the internal components of the ice maker start malfunctioning and this leads to less ice production. The components such as defective ice maker motor, dirty condenser coil, defective sensor, etc. Also, old or worn-out ice maker components affect the ice maker.

To fix this problem check the manufacturer’s guide and do according to the guide. If the components are old and worn out then replace the old components with the new component.

If you are facing any issues in fixing the components of the ice maker then consult the technician and they will fix your problem.

ice maker malfunctioning



How do I get my ice maker to make more ice?

To get your ice maker to make more ice you have to find out the problem in the ice maker which is causing the ice maker to make less ice and then fix that problem. This will make your ice maker to make more ice.

Why is my ice maker making less ice than usual?

There can be several reasons for your ice maker to make less ice than usual, such as improper water supply, improper temperature, defective internal components, low water pressure, etc.

How often should I replace the water filter for my ice maker?

According to most of the manufacturer guides you have to change the water filter every six months. If water is harsh in your location then change it more often.

Why does my ice maker produce less ice when the ice bin is full?

Your ice maker produces less ice when the ice bin is full because there is a sensor in the ice maker that sends a message to the freezer to stop the production of ice when the ice bin gets filled. Empty the ice bin to the proper level and your ice maker will start making ice once again.

How can I increase water pressure if it’s too low for the ice maker?

To increase water pressure you have to adjust the water pressure in your home’s water supply system.


Now a day’s Ice maker is a very important appliance, especially in summer. If your ice maker is making less ice then it can be frustrating but now you can fix your problem with the help of this blog. Fixing the issue of the ice maker is not a big challenge if you follow the instructions properly. Now that you have fixed the issue of the ice maker, enjoy the ice in your chilled drink.