How To Reset Maytag Ice Maker

The Maytag ice maker is a versatile and essential appliance component that adds convenience and functionality to your Maytag refrigerator. With the ability to produce ice in various shapes and sizes, it ensures you always have a refreshing supply of ice at your fingertips.

Sometimes it starts malfunctioning and to solve that issue you have to reset your ice maker. If you do not know how to reset Maytag ice maker then do not worry, because in this blog we will discuss the step by step method of resetting the ice maker. You just have to follow the instructions and you can also reset your Maytag ice maker without any problem.

Reasons to reset the ice maker

Before we start the discussion you have to understand one thing and that is why and when we need to reset our ice maker. A Maytag ice maker reset becomes essential when faced with common issues such as ice jams, power outages, or inadvertent changes in settings that disrupt ice production.

Resetting allows your Maytag ice maker to return to normal operation and ensure a steady supply of ice. This troubleshooting step can save time and expenses associated with professional service calls, making it a valuable skill for any Maytag refrigerator owner.

Now that we have understood why and when we have to reset our Maytag ice maker. Let’s move further and discuss the process of resetting the Maytag ice maker.

reasons to reset your ice maker

Locate the Reset Button

To reset your Maytag ice maker, you should start by locating the reset button. This button is a crucial component in initiating the reset process and can typically be found in one of two places like, on the ice maker unit itself or on the control panel of your Maytag refrigerator.

The specific location may vary depending on your refrigerator model, so it’s advisable to consult your Maytag refrigerator’s user manual for precise instructions. The user manual will provide you with detailed information about where the reset button is situated, ensuring that you can proceed with the reset process confidently.

By identifying the reset button’s location, you will be better prepared to follow the subsequent steps in resetting your Maytag ice maker and resolving any issues it may be experiencing.

Also Read - Troubleshooting in MayTag Ice Maker, if you are an owner of any Maytag ice maker and having some trouble then learn how you can easily troubleshoot it with our complete Maytag troubleshooting guide.

locate reset button in ice maker

Power off the Ice Maker

Before starting the reset process for your Maytag ice maker, it is essential to power off the ice maker. This can be accomplished by either raising the ice maker’s arm to the off position or by using your refrigerator’s control panel to deactivate the ice maker.

Powering off the ice maker is a crucial preliminary step for a successful reset. It ensures that the ice maker begins the reset procedure with a clean slate, erasing any previous issues or errors that may have been hindering its performance.

By shutting down the ice maker, you effectively prepare it for the reset, enabling it to resume its ice-making functions smoothly and efficiently once the reset is initiated, helping you enjoy a consistent supply of ice without any obstacles.

power off in ice maker

Press and Hold the Reset Button

After powering off your Maytag ice maker, the next step in the reset process is to press and hold the reset button for approximately 10 seconds to be sure about it check the user manual. This small, often inconspicuous button may demand a bit of pressure to activate. Maintaining steady pressure for the designated duration is crucial, as this action triggers the ice maker’s reset sequence.

While holding the button down, keep a close eye on the ice maker’s indicator light or display. You will want to monitor this for any noticeable changes such as blinking or a shift in status. These alterations signify that the reset procedure has been initiated and is in progress.

Once you observe these changes, you can proceed to the next steps, confident that your ice maker is on the path to being fully operational again.

Release the Reset Button

After maintaining pressure on the reset button for approximately 10 seconds, it’s important to release it. When you release the reset button, you might notice a response from your Maytag ice maker. This response could take the form of an audible beep or a visual change in the indicator light, such as a blink or shift in status.

These signs are indicative of the reset process being initiated and underway. Releasing the reset button is a critical step, as it signals to the ice maker that it should begin its reset sequence, erasing any previous issues or configurations that might have been affecting its performance.

This step is a key part of the reset procedure, setting the stage for your ice maker to return to its normal ice-making operation and ensure a steady supply of ice in the near future.

If still you have any issues with the reset button then learn here.

press and release the reset button

Power on the Ice Maker

With the reset process initiated, it’s time to power on your Maytag ice maker once again. This can be achieved by either lowering the ice maker’s arm to its operational position or utilizing your refrigerator’s control panel to reactivate the ice maker.

This crucial step signals to the ice maker that it’s time to resume its regular ice-producing cycle. By powering on the ice maker, you ensure that it can begin making ice once more, now with a fresh start and a clean slate, free from any previous issues or impediments.

power on button

After following this step, you should allow some time for the ice maker to go through its production cycle and begin delivering a steady supply of ice, making it readily available for your beverages and cooling needs.

Monitor the Ice Maker

After completing the reset process and reactivating your Maytag ice maker, patience becomes key. It’s important to understand that it might take several hours for the ice maker to return to its regular ice production cycle.

During this waiting period, it is advisable to keep a close watch on the ice maker to ensure it’s functioning as expected. Look for signs of ice cube formation and dispensing, which would indicate that the reset has been successful and the ice maker is back on track.

While it may be tempting to check frequently, it’s crucial to allow ample time for the ice maker to fully restore its ice-making capabilities. This monitoring phase is a critical part of the process to ensure that your ice supply is consistent, reliable, and ready for your cooling and beverage needs.

Note: In case if you are looking to disconnect an ice maker then get the step by step guide on how to easily disconnect an ice maker.

Verify Ice Production

After a few hours have passed following the reset and reactivation of your Maytag ice maker, it’s essential to verify its ice production. A fully operational ice maker should have filled the ice bin with fresh ice cubes during this time. The presence of ice in the bin is a positive sign that the reset has been successful, and your ice maker is back on track.

However, if you don’t see any ice despite following the reset procedure, further troubleshooting may be required. In such cases, consult your Maytag refrigerator’s user manual for specific guidance on addressing the issue, or consider reaching out to Maytag’s customer support for professional assistance.

ice production in ice maker


Why do I need to reset my Maytag ice maker?

You might need to reset your Maytag ice maker to fix some common issues like ice jams, power outages, or changes in settings that can affect its performance.

How do I power off my Maytag ice maker before resetting it?

You can power off the ice maker by either lifting the ice maker’s arm to the “off” position or using your refrigerator’s control panel to deactivate it.

Where is the reset button located on my Maytag ice maker?

The reset button can typically be found on the ice maker itself or on the control panel of your Maytag refrigerator. You can take the help from your refrigerator’s user manual for precise location information.

What should I do if I don’t see ice production after the reset process?

If you don’t observe ice production within a reasonable time, consult your Maytag refrigerator’s user manual for troubleshooting steps or contact Maytag customer support for professional assistance.

How often should I reset my Maytag ice maker?

Resetting should only be necessary when you encounter specific issues. If your ice maker functions smoothly, there’s no need for frequent resets. However, regular maintenance and cleaning can help prevent the need for resets.

Is resetting the ice maker a long-term solution?

No, resetting the ice maker a long-term solution. Resetting your ice maker can resolve immediate issues, but it may not address underlying problems. If you experience recurring issues, it’s best to diagnose and fix the root cause to ensure consistent ice production.


Resetting your Maytag ice maker is a cost-effective and time-saving approach to troubleshooting common ice maker problems. This guide provides you with easy-to-follow steps that can efficiently address these issues. If the ice maker issues persist after resetting, consult the user manual for detailed troubleshooting or contact Maytag customer support for professional help, ultimately saving time and money.