How to Clean LG Ice Maker

Owning an LG refrigerator with an ice maker brings the luxury of instant refreshment, but maintaining this modern convenience demands a touch of care. Imagine the delight of having ice at your beck and call, ready to enhance your drinks. Yet, like any sophisticated gadget, your ice maker requires attention.

In this blog we will discuss about how to clean LG ice maker, guaranteeing its continued efficiency and the perpetual freshness of the ice it delivers. As we navigate this frosty journey together, you will discover the simple yet essential steps to ensure your ice maker stays as cool and pristine as the ice cubes it diligently produces.

How Ice Maker Works

Before we start the cleaning process it is important to acquaint ourselves with the intricate mechanisms that constitute the marvel of an LG ice maker. Also explore how the icy machine is built shows that many parts work together perfectly.

The ice mold is a key player which shapes the foundation of every cube, while the water inlet valve dictates the precise water flow, ensuring the formation of perfect ice. Each part contributes uniquely, creating a harmonious process that transforms water into frozen brilliance.

how ice maker works

By understanding these elements, the cleaning process becomes not only comprehensible but also a breeze, as we navigate through the inner workings of this technological marvel, appreciating the role each component plays in delivering those flawless and refreshing ice cubes.

Also Read - If you Own a Silonn Ice maker then know step by step way - How To Clean Silonn Ice Maker

When to Clean Ice Maker

Your trusty ice maker is much like any diligent appliance, drops hints when it is time for a little care. You should check certain signs by which you will understand when to clean your ice maker.

If your ice starts tasting a bit off or you notice a slowdown in ice production, these are the subtle cues that something’s amiss. Consider them the appliance’s way of tapping you on the shoulder, signaling that it’s time to roll up your sleeves and give it some attention.

By recognizing these indicators, you will be on the right path to maintaining a smoothly operating, top-notch ice maker that consistently delivers the ice you love.

Things You Require

First gather all the cleaning essentials before you start cleaning. Collect the items which are given below in one place to maintain your ice maker properly. No need for fancy gadgets, we will rely on everyday household items to transform you into an ice maker maintenance expert.

A humble toothbrush, some vinegar, cloth and cleaning soap are among the key players that will help you get the job done. We will do the cleaning by keeping simplicity and resourcefulness in mind, making the process accessible for you.

With just a few common items and a touch of determination, you will be well-equipped to ensure your ice maker stays in top-notch condition, ready to produce ice that’s as refreshing as ever.

Cleaning the Interior of the Ice Maker

To initiate the cleaning process for the interior of your LG ice maker, start by unplugging your refrigerator for safety. Empty the ice bin and clean it with mild soap and warm water, allowing it to air dry. Clear any remaining ice from the ice maker.

Create a cleaning solution by mixing equal parts water and white vinegar. With a soft cloth or sponge dipped in the solution, wipe down the interior surfaces of the ice maker, paying attention to the ice mold and hard-to-reach areas with the help of a toothbrush.

clean interior of ice maker

Follow up with a rinse using a clean, damp cloth to eliminate any lingering vinegar. Optionally, you can use a mixture of mild soap and water for the cleaning process. Thoroughly dry the interior, ensuring there is no moisture left.

Once the cleaning is complete, replace the ice bin, plug in the refrigerator, and revel in the assurance of a pristine LG ice maker. I will recommend you to repeat this cleaning routine every three to six months to maintain optimal performance and hygiene.

Cleaning the Exterior of the Ice Maker

Cleaning the exterior of your LG ice maker is a simple process to maintain its aesthetic appeal. Start by unplugging the refrigerator for safety. Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the exterior surfaces, removing any dust, fingerprints, or spills.

For stubborn stains, you can mix a mild detergent with water, ensuring it is not abrasive, and gently scrub the affected areas. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials to prevent damage.

Dry the exterior thoroughly with a clean towel before plugging the refrigerator back in. Pay attention to details like the control panel and handles. Regularly cleaning the exterior not only keeps your ice maker looking pristine but also contributes to a hygienic and well-maintained kitchen appliance.

Sanitize Your Ice Maker

To sanitize your LG ice maker and ensure the production of hygienic ice cubes, follow a straightforward process. Begin by unplugging your refrigerator for safety. Next, create a sanitizing solution using a mixture of one tablespoon of unscented bleach to one gallon of water.

sanitize your icemaker

Dip a soft cloth or sponge into this solution and wipe down all accessible interior surfaces of the ice maker, including the ice mold. Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes to ensure effective sanitization. Rinse the interior with clean water to remove any bleach residue.

Afterward, dry the ice maker with a clean towel before plugging in the refrigerator. This simple yet crucial process should be performed regularly to maintain a sanitized environment within your LG ice maker.

Read this blog post - How to Clean Igloo Ice Maker.


How often should I clean my LG ice maker?

It is recommended to clean your LG ice maker every three to six months to ensure optimal performance and hygiene. However, more frequent cleaning may be necessary if you notice any signs of impurities or changes in ice quality.

What tools do I need for cleaning?

Basic household items like mild soap, warm water, a soft cloth or sponge, and a toothbrush are sufficient. For a cleaning solution, a mix of equal parts water and white vinegar works well.

How do I troubleshoot common issues with my LG ice maker?

Refer to your user manual for specific troubleshooting tips. Generally, addressing mysterious noises or ice jams may involve checking for obstructions, adjusting settings, or ensuring proper water supply.

What signs indicate that my ice maker needs cleaning?

Signs include funky-tasting ice, reduced ice production, or visible impurities. Regularly inspect your ice for any changes that may signal the need for cleaning.

Can I clean the ice maker without removing it from the freezer?

Yes, most cleaning tasks can be performed without removing the ice maker. Follow your user manual for guidance on accessing and cleaning specific components.

How long does the cleaning process usually take?

The cleaning process typically takes about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the thoroughness of the cleaning required and your familiarity with the process.


Maintaining the cleanliness of your LG ice maker is a simple yet crucial task that ensures a continuous supply of fresh and hygienic ice. By following the recommended cleaning process every three to six months, you not only optimize the performance of your ice maker but also contribute to a healthier and more enjoyable ice consumption experience. Whether you are wiping down the exterior or sanitizing the interior, this maintenance routine promises a sparkling, efficient ice maker ready to serve up the perfect ice cubes for your beverages.

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