How to Clean Newair Ice Maker

If you use a Newair ice maker and one day you notice that your ice maker is dirty both from the inside and outside. Also, the taste of ice is odd and you decide to clean the ice maker. This may lead you to think how to clean Newair ice maker.

Cleaning your ice maker is very important, not only for hygiene purposes but also for the long running time of the ice maker. Cleaning your ice maker will improve the performance of the ice maker and increase the lifespan of the ice maker.

If you do not know how to clean Newair ice maker then don’t worry anymore. I will tell you the step-by-step process of cleaning the Newair ice maker.

To clean your ice maker you just have to follow the instructions given below. By following the instructions you will clean your Newair ice maker without any problem and your ice maker will work like it used to work when it was new.

Things you need

Before you start cleaning the ice maker there are some important things that you require. Collect all the things first and then start the process of cleaning. Keep all the things in one place for your convenience.

Things you require are-

Ice maker cleaning solution or mild dish soap – these things are required for the thorough cleaning of the ice maker. You can use the mild dish soap or buy the ice maker cleaning solution. Keep in mind that if you are not using the cleaning solution then use the mild soap only. If you use harsh soap then it can damage the ice maker.

Warm water– it is required for mixing the cleaning solution or the dish soap to make a perfect solution for the cleaning. Warm water is also needed for rinsing the cleaning solution from the ice maker and also for general cleaning.

Sponge or soft cloth– these are required for the scrubbing of the ice maker especially the outer of the ice maker. Do not use any hard material for scrubbing otherwise, you can make a scratch on the ice maker.

Cleaning brush or a toothbrush– these things are required for the cleaning of places where your hand cannot reach. It will also help in removing the limescale and the derbies from the ice maker.

Towel– it is required to dry the interior and the exterior of the ice maker. You can use the paper towel as well.

Sanitizer –   this is optional, you can use sanitizer if you want to sanitize your ice maker after cleaning it.

With all this, find Ice maker Troubleshoot Tips and Guide 

things required to clean icemaker

Unplug the ice maker

One of the most important processes before you start cleaning is to unplug the ice maker. Well, it is mandatory to unplug the ice maker, or else you can get an electric shock from the ice maker.

The reason is an ice maker is an electric appliance and you have to use water to clean the ice maker and water is a good conductor of electricity. Therefore there is a very high chance of getting an electric shock if you do not unplug the ice maker, which can be severe.

First, check whether the power cord of the ice maker is removed from the electric outlet or not. If not, then pull the electric cord gently and it will come out from the electric outlet. Make sure the cord of the ice maker is not tangled.

Empty the ice bin

Once you unplug the ice maker you have to remove the ice from the ice bin and make it empty. To clean the ice maker you have to empty the ice bin, and then only you can clean it.

Take out all the ice accumulated in the ice bin. Use the ice if you want to otherwise throw the ice if it was in the ice maker for a long time.

The ice bin is located at the front or top of the ice maker depending on the model of the ice maker. Also, it can be easily accessible by lifting the ice maker or by sliding it. Remove all the ice from there.

If you notice any defect in the ice bin or any unusual texture in the ice bin then you can contact the professional or the manufacturer of the ice maker.

Remove water

After removing the ice from the ice bin, remove water from the water reservoir. To clean the ice maker you have to remove all the water which is stored in the water reservoir. Also, check whether the water reservoir and also if there is any odor in the water reservoir after removing the water.

To remove water from the water reservoir you have to remove the drain plug from the hoses of the reservoir. Put a bucket under the ice maker to collect water or put the ice maker over the sink otherwise your floor will get wet by the water.

Once you remove the drain plug water will start draining from the reservoir. Remove all the water and make the water reservoir completely empty. Then put the drain plug back in the hoses.

Remove all the removable parts

Once you remove the ice and water from the ice maker, start removing all the interior components that can be removed from the ice maker.

There are several parts in the ice maker that can be removed from the ice maker. Removing those parts will make your work easy, as you can clean all those parts at once and also it will be more comfortable to wash those components after removing them.

The parts that you can remove are- an ice bucket or ice bin, ice scoop, ice tray, drip tray, and the water reservoir in some models of the ice maker.

Wash the removed parts

To wash the removed parts you have to make the cleaning solution. Use the ice maker cleaning solution or the mild dish soap and mix it in the warm water as mentioned on the package of the cleaning solution.

Dip the sponge or the soft cloth in the solution and start scrubbing the removed parts. Scrub them thoroughly and make sure you do not miss any spots. If there is any extra dirt then scrub that part more than the other parts. After scrubbing wash them with warm water.

If you notice any residue of the solution on them or any remaining dirt on them then wash them once again and clean them properly.

Once you clean all the parts of the ice maker, wipe them with the towel and leave them aside, and let them dry properly.

Wash the water reservoir

If your water reservoir smells bad and scale is accumulated in it, then wash the water reservoir with the solution with the help of a brush and clean it properly.

After cleaning, if the reservoir is still smelling bad then put vinegar in the water reservoir and leave it aside and after a few hours press the clean button on the ice maker and let it clean properly. It will remove all the odor, bacteria, germs, and scale from the water reservoir.

Once the process is completed remove the vinegar from the water reservoir like you removed water earlier and wash the reservoir with fresh water and repeat the process two or three times. All the scale and odor will go away.

Clean the interior

After cleaning all those components it’s time to clean the interior of the ice maker. To clean the interior of the ice maker, make a solution using the ice maker cleaning solution or mild dish soap and warm water and add a little vinegar to the solution which will help in removing the mineral deposits.

Dip the cloth or the sponge in the solution and start scrubbing the interior properly. Scrub all the parts of the interior and use the brush if your hand does not reach any point.

Scrub the mold properly, use the brush to scrub the mold, if there is any mineral deposit or scale on the mold then scrub that part more properly.

Once you scrub the interior of the ice maker properly, rinse the interior with warm water. Rinse it properly and remove all the solutions from the interior of the ice maker. After rinsing check if there is any residue of the solution in the ice maker, if there is any then wash the ice maker once again and this time wash thoroughly.

After rinsing the interior of the ice maker use the towel to dry the interior properly. You can use the paper towel also to dry the ice maker. You can air dry as well, use the hair dryer to dry it.

clean icemaker interior

Clean the exterior

Once you clean the interior of the ice maker now clean the exterior of the ice maker. To clean the exterior dip the sponge or the soft cloth in the solution and start scrubbing the outer side of the ice maker. If there is any stain that are not coming out by scrubbing then use the brush and scrub that part gently the stain will come out.

Also scrub the buttons, panel, display screen, and other important parts. After scrubbing the exterior properly and when you get satisfied that the ice maker is cleaned properly wash it with clean warm water. Rinse all the solutions with the water and clean the ice maker properly.

After you rinse the ice maker, dry it with the towel properly.

Assemble the ice maker

After cleaning the ice maker and drying it properly, start assembling the ice maker. Start by putting the ice bin back in the ice maker and then put the ice scoop in it then the ice tray. Once you put all the components back in the ice maker, fix them properly in their respective place.

Sanitize the ice maker

This step is optional. After reassembling the ice maker you can sanitize the ice maker if you want to. To sanitize the ice maker buy the perfect sanitizer that is not harmful if consumed. Ask the pharmacist about the sanitizer and then buy that.

Put the sanitizer in a cloth or sponge and then wipe the interior of the ice maker properly and your maker will be sanitized.

Check the ice maker

After the completion of the cleaning of the ice maker and reassembling it, put the electrical cord in the electric out and then press the power on button of the ice maker. Once the ice maker starts working, let it make ice and then dispatch the first batch of ice.

After dispatching the first batch of ice you can start consuming the ice made by the ice maker.


To keep your Newair ice maker in running condition and also to keep it clean you need regular maintenance of the ice maker. This means you have to clean the ice maker more often, like every week or in ten days to have to clean the ice maker. In every five to six months you have to deep clean it.

If you take your ice maker outside then make sure you clean it as you take the ice maker inside the house. By the regular maintenance of the ice maker, you can increase the working period of the ice maker.

If you still have any issue and want to contact Newair Customer support then visit Newair official site.

maintain newair icemaker


How do you clean the inside of the Newair ice maker?

To clean the inside of the Newair ice maker you have to remove all the removable components of the ice maker and then make a cleaning solution.

Dip a sponge or a cloth in the solution and start scrubbing inside, use a toothbrush or a cleaning brush to scrub the mold and to those places where your hand cannot reach. After scrubbing rinse the ice maker with clean warm water and then dry the ice maker.

Can I use cleaning vinegar in my Newair ice maker?

Yes, you can and you have to use vinegar to clean the ice maker. Vinegar will help in cleaning the mineral deposits from the ice maker.

Why should I clean my Newair ice maker?

You should clean your Newair ice maker because it will increase the running period of the ice maker and also for your own hygiene.

How to clean the Newair ice maker filter?

To clean the filter of the Newair ice maker, you have to remove the filter from the ice maker then use the ice maker cleaning solution to clean the filter then wash it with fresh clean water. In my opinion, if your filter got too dirty then remove the old filter and replace it with a new filter.

What materials do I need to clean my Newair ice maker?

Materials you require to clean your Newair ice maker are warm water, ice maker clean solution or mild dish soap, vinegar, towel, sponge or soft cloth, toothbrush, and sanitizer (optional)


You should always keep your ice maker clean not only for the outer appearance but also for the longevity of the Newair ice maker and for your health as well.

Cleaning the ice maker properly can be a challenging task if you do not know the process, but by following the steps given in this blog you can complete the task without any problem. Always remember your health is very important and to keep yourself healthy keep your ice maker clean.