How To Descale Whirlpool Ice Maker

Nowadays Whirlpool ice maker has become very popular among households. As it makes the best ice among the ice makers, which is liked by almost every person who wants to have a perfectly chilled beverage.

As we all know the Whirlpool ice maker is an appliance that uses water and as time passes it accumulates limescale in it and as a user, you probably don’t know how to descale the Whirlpool ice maker.

Well, you if you know how to descale the ice maker then you don’t have to worry anymore. I am going to tell you how to descale the Whirlpool ice maker. You just have to follow the instructions and do as I instruct. If you follow my instructions you will descale your ice maker properly without any problem.

Descaling means removing the minerals deposit which is deposited on the internal and external parts of the ice maker. If you don’t remove the minerals in time then it can damage the ice maker.

Whirlpool ice maker is a machine and just like all other appliances, it also requires regular maintenance to work properly. Descaling is also a type of maintenance that is important for the ice maker.

Why descaling is crucial

If you are using the Whirlpool ice maker, and your water is hard. Then after some weeks of usage, the ice maker can starts accumulating mineral deposit such as magnesium and calcium in the internal parts and water reservoir of the ice maker. This mineral deposits and calcium buildups are known as scale. It can decrease the ice quality, and damage the ice production, and if you don’t descale it then it may damage the performance of the ice maker.

This is why descaling is crucial. By descaling you can remove all the scales accumulated in the ice maker and improve the quality of ice. Also, increase the efficiency of the ice maker.

Also Check - How to fix whirlpool ice maker: Troubleshoot Guide

whirlpool ice maker troubleshoot

Things you will need

Before you start descaling your Whirlpool ice maker you have to keep some items with you which will help you in descaling. First, collect all these things which I am going to tell you. Things you need are-

👉 Clean water

👉 Vinegar

👉 Sponge or soft cloth

👉 Container to mix the descaling solution

👉 Access to the ice maker’s user manual for model-specific instructions

Unplug the ice maker

The first thing to do before you start descaling is unplug your Whirlpool ice maker. After unplugging the ice maker leave the ice maker for fifteen to twenty minutes. Let the ice maker cool down. The compressor of the ice maker becomes hot while working, so let it cool down first. If you will not let it cool down and pour water directly on the hot compressor then it might get damaged.

Unplugging is also important because the ice maker is an electric device and you are using water. It is a very high chance that if you descale the ice maker without removing the plug, it can give you an electric shock. This is why you should prioritize your safety first.

Remove the ice and water

After unplugging the ice maker remove the ice bin and all the ice in it. If you want to use that ice then you can use it however you want and if you do not want then throw the ice away. Let the remaining ice melt that did not come out from the ice bin, so leave the ice maker unplugged for few minutes.

After the ice melted properly, remove the water from the water reservoir. To remove the water from the water reservoir first you have to take the ice maker to the sink or put a bucket under the ice maker. Now remove the plug from the ice maker’s hoses and let the water pour out completely.

After the water is poured out completely, put the plug back in the ice maker’s hoses and put it aside.

Make the descaling solution

To make the descaling solution first take a container and put an equal amount of vinegar and water. Put lemon in it( it is optional), Lemon has citric acid in it and it can remove the scale very well. Put one cup of vinegar and one cup of water, and if you want to add lemon then add one lemon in it.

You can make the solution according to the size of your ice maker. Remember, make enough amount of solution it should not be less, you can make more but not less. Also, remember the ratio of the water and vinegar, it should be one ratio one (1:1).

descaling solution for ice maker

Pour the solution into the water reservoir and other components

After making the solution, pour the solution into the water reservoir. Depending on your Whirlpool ice maker model, you may need to access the water reservoir. Consult your ice maker’s user manual for instructions on how to do this. Slowly pour the descaling solution into the water reservoir until it’s filled.

Also, rinse the ice bin with the solution and scrub the bin with the sponge soaked with the solution. Now soak the soft cloth or the sponge in the solution and scrub the ice tray, and ice chute, and set the cloth on it(a sponge is preferable as it can hold the solution for a more extended time period).

After doing this, leave the ice maker and its part for ten to fifteen hours, or leave it overnight. If you don’t have that much time then at least leave the ice maker for four to five hours.

Read Also – If you want to remove ice maker from your Whirlpool refrigerator then go through this post and learn how to remove ice maker from whirlpool refrigerator in easy steps. 

Descale the water reservoir

After leaving the ice maker for ten to fifteen hours plug in the ice maker. Push the clean button for five seconds. Every model has a different location of the cleaning button, if you cannot find the cleaning button then see your manufacturer’s instruction guide. When you find the button push it.

When you push the cleaning button the ice maker will start circulating the descaling solution in the internal components of the ice maker. You will start noticing that the solution will start turning cloudy. This process can take twenty to twenty-five minutes, and the ice maker will indicate when it’s done.

Rinse the water reservoir

Once the cleaning is completed remove the solution from the water reservoir by the same process as you drained out the water. After removing the descaling solution, pour the clean water into the water reservoir and push the cleaning button once again.

When the cleaning process is done, remove the water and repeat this process at least two to three times. It removes all the scale accumulated in the water reservoir and the internal components of the ice maker. Also rinsing the ice maker two to three times will remove the smell of the vinegar from the water reservoir.

Wash the ice bin and ice tray

After descaling the interior of the ice maker now its time to wash the ice bin and ice tray with clean water. Scrub the ice bin and ice tray properly and then rinse them with clean water. After rinsing them check if there is any residue or smell of vinegar, if there is any then rinse them again and wash them till the smell is gone.

Clean the sensor

One thing to keep in mind is that you have to clean the sensor separately. To clean the sensor soak the sponge or the soft cloth in the solution and scrub the sensor gently. Scrub it till the scale comes out properly.

Once the scale came out wipe the sensor with the water properly and let dry for a while.

Reattach and test the ice maker

Once you descale the ice maker properly attach the ice bin and the ice tray back in the ice maker. After attaching all the parts properly put the plug in the electric outlet and turn it on. Put fresh water in the water reservoir. Let the ice maker run and make the ice. Throw the ice a few times if there is any smell of vinegar or any residue of it, after a few times the smell will go away.

Once you feel that the smell is gone then you can start using ice once again.

reinstallation ice maker


How often should I descale my Whirlpool ice maker?

It depends on the mineral presence in your water and your frequency of usage, but according to me, you should descale your Whirlpool ice maker every three to six months.

How to descale the Whirlpool ice maker?

Descaling the Whirlpool ice maker is a long process. I can tell you in a summarised form that, use vinegar and water in equal amounts and put it in the water reservoir(after removing water from it). Push the clean button in your Whirlpool ice maker and after the cleaning process is completed rinse it with water two or three times.

How does baking soda affect ice?

Well, baking soda, sugar, and salt make the ice melt quicker than the ice which is not touched. These things lower the freezing point of ice.

Can I use regular tap water for descaling?

You can use tap water however, distilled water is preferred for the descaling of the ice maker because of the lack of minerals in the distilled water. Scale cannot be generated from distilled water.

How do I clean the ice maker on my Whirlpool refrigerator?

To clean your Whirlpool refrigerator’s ice maker, follow these steps:
Turn off the ice maker, Empty the ice bin, Remove and wash the ice maker components, such as the ice bin and scoop, in warm, soapy water. Rinse and dry, Clean the interior of the ice maker unit with a soft cloth or sponge, Check for clogs in the water supply line and clear them if necessary, Reassemble and turn the ice maker back on, Wait a few hours for fresh ice; discard the first batch.
For model-specific instructions, you can check your refrigerator’s user manual.


In the end, I just want to tell you that eventually the ice maker is a machine and it needs proper maintenance and if you maintain it properly it will run for a longer period.  Now you have a descaled ice maker, start making the ice and keep your mind cool on hot days.