How To Fix Whirlpool Ice Maker

If you are using a whirlpool ice maker and you notice that your ice maker is malfunctioning. You think about how to fix the malfunction in the Whirlpool ice maker. Since you don’t know how to fix the Whirlpool ice maker because you are not a professional ice maker repairer.

There can be several problems and I am going to discuss those problems and how you can solve those problems. As I said earlier there can be several problems and there can several reasons for that several problems.

Now you have to follow my instructions to fix your whirlpool ice maker. I assure you that after following my instructions you can fix almost every problem of your ice maker except some major problems and for that, you have to get help from professionals.

Ice maker making less ice or not working

This is the most common ice maker problem. In more than fifty percent of cases, people face this problem. There can be several reasons for your ice maker making less ice or not working at all. Some of the main problems are-

Check the power connection

Well, it sounds like no brainer but it is true. In many cases, people often forget to give power to the ice maker. After some time when they see that the ice maker is not making ice, they start thinking that their ice maker is faulty.

In reality, they forget to give a power supply to the ice maker. So I will suggest you to look and be sure that you have given the power to the ice maker.

Check the water filter

If you are sure that you have given the power supply to the ice maker then check the water filter of the ice maker. After some months of usage, the water starts getting dirty and clogged. Due to the dirt(minerals deposit) water filter stops water from passing through it. This is the reason for less ice production and if you do not fix this problem the ice maker will stop making ice.

To fix this problem clean the water filter properly and remove all the minerals deposited in the water filter. I will recommend you to change the water filter once you remove it from the ice maker for the better performance of the ice maker.

Check the water supply

To make ice the ice maker needs a proper water supply. It means to make ice the ice maker needs a steady water supply to make the proper amount of ice. If the ice maker will not get enough water then either it will make less ice or it will stop working.

To fix this problem first check the water pipeline of the ice maker, if there is any blockage then remove that and clean the water pipeline properly from the inside. Also, check the connection of the water supply line whether it is loose anywhere, and if it is then fix it. Don’t forget to check the water valve and if there is any problem then fix that also.

Check the temperature control

Your ice maker makes less ice or doesn’t make ice, this can happen if the temperature of the ice maker is not correct. Sometimes by mistake, we change the temperature from the temperature control and don’t even know that or we change the temperature knowingly. Either way, the ice maker will malfunction.

To fix this problem reset the temperature of the ice maker. To rest the proper temperature check the guide and fix the temperature according to that guide.

Check for the faulty components

The ice maker makes ice with the help of some of its important components. These components are the compressor, motor, sensor, and control panel. If any one of them stops working or gets any fault in them then the ice maker will stop working.

To fix these components you have to get help from professionals. You cannot fix these components at home by yourself.

Defective parts

If your ice maker is not making ice then there is a high chance that there is a defective Whirlpool ice maker part. To check that there is any defective part you have to check the ice maker manually and find the defective part. Also, hear the sound, if you hear any unwanted sound then check that part of the ice maker.

To fix them you should have an ice maker repair kit or the pieces of equipment for repairing the ice maker parts. If there is any loose part or nut bolt then tight that part or nut, if there is some other problem then fix that also. If the condition is out of hand then replace the part with a new one.

Ice maker is making small ice

Well, this can happen with your whirlpool ice maker also. If you are facing this problem then there can be some reason for this problem. Check what exactly is your problem and fix it accordingly. You don’t have to worry you just have to follow the instructions properly.

whirlpool ice maker ice issue

The reasons for the ice maker making small ice are-

Improper water pressure

This is the primary reason for the small ice cube. To make perfect ice cubes the ice maker needs perfect water pressure. The ice maker needs a pressure of twenty psi to make ice properly and if the water pressure is low then it makes uneven ice.

To make the water pressure proper for the ice maker, first check the water supply line. If there the water line is clogged then clean it. Also check the water inlet valve, whether the valve is properly open or not. If not then open the valve properly. After that check the water pressure, you check the pressure with the help of a water pressure gauge. If the pressure is still improper then the whirlpool water inlet valve replacement is the best option.

Check the temperature

If the temperature is improper then your whirlpool ice maker will start making small ice. Due to improper temperature, the ice does not freeze properly and you get small ice. Improper temperature can affect the ice maker as well.

To fix the problem of the temperature you just have to rest the temperature of the ice maker. The temperature of an ice maker should be zero degrees Fahrenheit to five degrees Fahrenheit (0 F – 5F) which means minus fifteen degrees Celsius to minus eighteen degrees Celsius (-15 C – -18 C). set the temperature as specified and it will start freezing properly.

Making ice but not dispensing

This is one of the problems that the Whirlpool ice maker is not dispensing ice which can mostly happen if you do not use your Whirlpool ice maker frequently. Although it is not mandatory that is it will only happen if the ice maker is used less but also can happen to a regular working ice maker. If your ice maker is making ice and not dispensing it then there can be several reasons.

The ice bin is clumped with ice

The most common reason for the ice maker not dispensing ice is a clumped ice bin. If the ice bin is overfilled then it can affect the dispensing system of the ice maker. Due to this the ice clustered in one place and that is in the ice bin.

To fix this problem you have to remove the clustered ice from the ice bin. The simpler way to do it is to defrost the ice maker and let all the ice melt. Once all the ice is melted properly then clean the ice bin and start making ice once again. Cleaning Whirlpool Ice maker is very important and so every week we should clean it properly.

Clogged dispenser chute

The chute of the ice maker gets clogged due to the clump of ice in the chute or due to derbies. Either way, these can stop the ice maker from dispensing the ice. After some time ice can get clustered in the chute due to the moisture in it, the same case for the derbies as well.

To fix this problem you can do some things which can help. The most common thing is either switch off the ice maker and let the ice melt slowly or defrost the ice maker and then let the ice melt. If you want it to be quicker then use a hair drier and after switching off the ice maker blow dry the ice chute at the heat mode of the drier.

Once all the ice is melted then clean the chute with a soft cloth and then switch on the ice maker.

Fault in dispensing motor

The dispenser motor moves the ice from the ice bin to the dispenser. If the dispenser motor gets faulty or gets burnt then it will stop dispensing ice. you can check whether the dispensing motor is working or not by pulling the lever of the dispensing motor. If you hear the humming sound but the ice does not dispense in the dispenser then the motor is faulty or burnt.

If the dispensing motor is burnt or got faulty then there is only one way to fix it and that is to replace the old motor with a new one.

Lack of water supply

This is also a reason for not dispensing ice into the dispenser. Sometimes, due to a lack of water supply, the ice maker does not make enough ice and also uneven ice which can make the sensor think that the ice is not enough to dispense in the dispenser.

To fix this problem you have to fix the supply of water. To fix the water supply check the water inlet valve and fix it, also clean the pipeline of the water supply

whirlpool ice maker issue and fix

Odd taste of ice

If you are using the ice from your whirlpool ice maker and you notice that the ice tastes odd. This can happen and there can be several reasons for this as well. The odd taste of ice indicates that the ice maker might be having some issues with making ice.

There can be several occasions when the ice can taste odd or in some cases smells bad. The reasons for that are-

Ice cubes are old

Well, the first thing that comes to mind after tasting the odd taste of ice is the ice is very old. It is correct also, sometimes people forget that how old their ice is. This is very common and people don’t even care about the ice whether it is old or not. In my opinion, they should think about it or it can affect their health.

To fix this, you can do only one thing which is throw away the old ice and make some fresh ice. Also, try to change the water every week at least.

Unwanted or unwrapped item

Sometimes people put the food items in the freezer without wrapping that food or wrapping it in the wrong way. Also sometimes people put things which can be harmful or not edible in the freezer. These items can get mixed with the ice in the ice maker and make the taste of the ice odd. It can be harmful to your health too.

To fix it you have to keep food properly wrapped in the freezer otherwise ice will get mixed with the food and both food and ice will taste odd. Also try to avoid putting inedible things in the freezer, if it is very necessary to try to put it away from the ice and wrap the item properly to not get mixed with ice.

The water filter is old

Well, this is also one of the most common problems in the odd taste of the ice maker. If the water filter gets old it accumulates lots of minerals and when water passes through it they take some minerals with them in the freezer. When that water gets frozen it tastes odd.

To fix this problem you have to change the old water filter with the new water filter. After changing the water filter the ice will start as usual.

Leakage in the ice maker

Leakage in the ice maker is a problem that can make you irritate. When the continuous dropping of water from the ice maker makes your kitchen or the place where you have put your whirlpool ice maker wet that can make you angry. There are several reasons for the leakage.

To solve the problem of the leakage, first, you have to find the actual problem of the leakage and then fix it. The reasons for the leakage are-

Water line is damaged

The leakage can happen due to the water line. This is very common that the water supply line sometimes gets damaged or cracked. Check the water line properly for any damage or any breakage in the water line.

If you find any damage in the water line then change the water line. After changing the water line you will see that the leakage has stopped. Don’t try to fix the water line with the help of tape, just change it. Changing the water line is the best option here.

Water inlet is either blocked or clogged

The water inlet is the way for water to get in the ice maker. When the water inlet is clogged or blocked then it will prevent water from getting in the ice maker. This can lead to leakage, if the water cannot go inside the ice maker then eventually it will leak out.

To fix this problem, clean the minerals accumulated in the water inlet which is clogging the water. If the water line is bent or blocked anyway then try to make the water line normal, so it can let the water pass otherwise change the water line.

Check the pressure of the water

The leakage in the icemaker can happen due to the high water pressure. Sometimes when the pressure is improper then all the water cannot go in the ice maker and this causes leakage. In short, due to the high pressure leakage can occur.

To fix this problem check the pressure of the water and if the pressure is very high then try to make the pressure normal. If the pressure is too high and you cannot control the pressure then use the pressure regulator to control the pressure.

Defective or broken parts

If there is any defective or broken part in the ice maker then it will surely leak water. If you see that there is a leakage in the ice maker then check from where the water is coming, once you find the source then check whether the part is broken or defective.

To fix this problem, if the part is broken then replace that part with a new part. If the part is defective then try to repair it but if the defect is severe then changing that part is the best option.

Ice maker makes too much ice

This is a problem faced by many users that their ice maker is making too much ice.  If you are facing the same problem then there can be several reasons for this problem.

Temperature of the freezer

The first thing that comes to mind is that the temperature of the freezer is very low. Sometimes people set the temperature lower than the normal freezer temperature. As a result, the ice maker starts making too much ice.

To fix this problem you just have to set the temperature to normal. Check the guide of the Whirlpool ice maker and set the temperature according to the guide.

Check the control arm of the ice maker

The control arm of the ice maker signals the ice maker to stop making ice once the ice bin is filled. If the control arm is broken then it will not give the signal to the ice maker to stop making ice. This is also a reason for ice makers making too much ice.

To fix this problem, first locate the control arm and then check whether the control arm is moving freely or not. If the control arm has stopped moving then lightly pull the control arm to the off position, this will stop the ice maker from making ice, when the control arm goes down then only it will start making ice.


How to reset a Whirlpool ice maker?

To resetting the Whirlpool ice maker you have to press the rest button for a few seconds till you feel the vibration in your finger and hear the beep sound. After you hear the sound leave the button and the ice maker will rest itself.

Why is my Whirlpool ice maker overheating?

There can be several reasons for the overheating of the ice maker. Dust accumulates on the compressor or in other crucial parts, cleaning these parts will make the ice maker normal once again. Also, due to the eternal temperature the ice maker gets hot, so keep the ice at a normal temperature room.

Why is my Whirlpool ice maker not making ice?

Well, there can be several reasons for your ice maker to not make ice. The reasons are improper water supply, improper water pressure, dirty water filter, wrong temperature, defective components, and some other reasons.

What should you if your ice maker is leaking water?

You can do several things if your ice maker is leaking ice. First, check the water line for any fault,  check whether any part is broken or defective, and check the pressure of water. If any of these problem is there then change the part or fix the problem.

Where can I find replacement parts for my Whirlpool ice maker?

You can buy the Whirlpool ice maker replacement parts from Whirlpool authorized dealers, online retailers or from the appliance repair shops. One thing to keep in mind is that always buy replacement parts from genuine shops and genuine retailers.


Now you have fixed your Whirlpool ice maker’s malfunction and started making ice again. Always keep one thing in mind that the ice maker is a machine and it needs proper care for a longer lifespan. Keep your ice maker in perfect condition and always take good care of it.