How To Remove Ice Maker from Whirlpool French Door Refrigerator

You have a Whirlpool French door refrigerator and you notice that the ice maker is malfunctioning. You have to remove the ice maker but you do not know how to remove the ice maker from Whirlpool French door refrigerator.

There are several reasons to remove the ice maker from the refrigerator such as, to clean the ice maker, for the maintenance of the ice maker, or sometimes to replace the ice maker with a new one. Whatever the reason is, the main point is removing the ice maker from the refrigerator.

There are several steps to remove the ice maker from the Whirlpool fridge and if you need to learn how to remove the ice maker from the refrigerator, do not bother. I am going to tell the step-by-step process of how to remove the ice maker from the Whirlpool French door refrigerator. You can also remove the ice maker, just follow the instructions carefully.

tools required to remove icemaker

Tools you require

There are several tools required to remove the ice maker from the refrigerator. The first thing you should do is to collect all the tools in one place before you start removing the ice maker. If you put all the essential tools in one place then it will make your work convenient.

The tools and materials which you require are- a screwdriver, pliers, dry cloth, rubber gloves, and a bowl to put the screws in one place. Before starting collect all these things first.

Note – If you have some issues with your Whirlpool Ice Maker then learn how to fix your Whirlpool Ice Maker with easy steps. 

remove plug

Remove the plug

The first step is to remove the plug of the refrigerator from the electric outlet. This is very important to remove the plug from the electric outlet otherwise you can get an electric shock. This can be dangerous for you, sometimes electric shock can be severe.

If your refrigerator is not unplugged then find the electric outlet and switch off the outlet and then pull out the plug of the refrigerator from the electric outlet.

Also, turn off the ice maker. To turn off the ice maker, find the on/off switch of the ice maker, generally it is in front of the ice maker. When you see the power switch turn it off. Switching off the ice maker will prevent the ice maker from making ice.

Turning off the water inlet valve and disconnecting the water supply line

Stop the water supply

After unplugging the ice maker, stop the water supply to the ice maker. To remove the ice maker first you have to remove the water supply otherwise, water will pour out from the water supply line while removing the ice maker from the Whirlpool French door refrigerator. That will make your entire floor wet.

To stop the water supply first you have to shut off the water inlet valve. Then disconnect the water supply line from the ice maker. The water supply line is found at the back of the refrigerator, attached to the back side of the ice maker. Carefully disconnect the water line either by turning the supply line in the clockwise direction or by pressing the disconnect or eject button, depending on your model of the refrigerator.

Be prepared for a little water drip out on the floor because the water supply line holds some water in it. So, be ready with the cloth.

remove icebin from icemaker

Remove the ice bin

Once you disconnect the water supply from the ice maker, remove the ice bin from the freezer. Removing the ice bin from the freezer will make space to remove the ice maker and make the work easier. Removing the ice bin is not a big task.

To remove the ice bin first remove all the ice accumulated in the ice bin. Use the ice if you want to and if do not want to use the ice then throw away the ice. After removing the ice pull out the ice bin from the freezer. If the ice bin does not come out then there must be a blockage of ice. Let the ice melt first or use the hair dryer to melt the ice faster or use a plastic knife to remove the ice.

After all the ice melts pull the ice bin, and it will come out easily.

remove icemaker from whirlpool refrigerator

Remove the ice maker

Now it’s time to remove the ice maker from the freezer of the Whirlpool French door refrigerator. To remove the ice maker from the freezer you have to unscrew all the screws from the mounting point of the freezer. Generally, these screws are on the side of the ice maker. The number of the screws may vary according to the model of the refrigerator, you take the help of the user manual to find the screws.

Once you locate all the screws, start unscrewing them with the help of a screwdriver. Unscrew all the screws and put them in a bowl to keep them safe in one place. After unscrewing the ice maker pull it gently and take out the ice maker.

The ice maker will come out with a water line, wires, and harnesses. Disconnect all the wires and harnesses with the help of the pliers and remember the location of all the wires which you are disconnecting. If you do not want to remember then take a picture of the wiring. Also, disconnect the harnesses that connect the ice maker to the refrigerator, these usually are plugged or clipped, and gently pull them out.

After disconnecting all the wiring and harnesses, pull out the ice maker from the refrigerator. Be gentle otherwise, you can damage the ice maker or the freezer or you can break any wire as well. Pull it gently and the ice maker will come out easily.

Warranty period

One thing I want to suggest to you, and that is, if your Whirlpool French door refrigerator is in warranty period then don’t remove the ice maker by yourself.

Call the service center and tell them that your refrigerator is in warranty period and your ice maker is malfunctioning so you want to remove the ice maker from the refrigerator. They send you the help and won’t charge any money from you.


How to remove the ice maker from the Whirlpool French door refrigerator?

To remove the ice maker from the Whirlpool French door refrigerator you have to unscrew the mounting screws by the screwdriver and then pull the ice maker then disconnect all the wiring and harnesses from the ice maker and then remove the ice maker from the refrigerator.

Why should I remove my ice maker?

There can be several reasons for removing the ice marker such as, to clean the ice maker, for the maintenance of the ice maker, or to replace the ice maker with a new one. It depends on you that why you want to remove the ice maker.

What tools do I need for the removal process of the ice maker?

To remove the ice maker you need a screwdriver, pliers, dry cloth, rubber gloves, and a bowl to keep the screws in one place.

How to turn off the ice maker before removal?

To turn off the ice maker you have to find the power on/off switch. Generally, this switch is in front of the ice maker, sometimes it is on the corner. When you find the switch just turn it off.

Can I clean the ice maker while it’s removed?

Yes, you can clean the ice maker while it’s removed. Cleaning the ice maker can maintain its performance of the ice maker and also maintain the hygiene in the ice maker.

faq icemaker


Removing the ice maker from the Whirlpool French door refrigerator can be a huge task and time-consuming as well. With this step-by-step instruction, you can remove the ice maker from the refrigerator very easily. In this blog, all the important steps are given and by following them you can remove the ice maker in no time. Once you remove the ice maker, it’s on you what you want to do.