Silonn Ice Maker Not Working: Tips for Troubleshoot

You are sitting in your home on a hot summer afternoon, and you want a cold beverage with lots of ice in it. You have a countertop Silonn ice maker to make ice and when you open the ice maker to take ice, you see that your Silonn ice maker is not working.

It can be frustrating when the ice maker stops working at the time when you need it the most. Repairing the ice maker can be costly if you take it to a professional ice maker repairer. Now you do not have to worry anymore.

I am going to tell you the step-by-step process of fixing Silonn the ice maker, you just have to follow the instructions properly. By following the instructions you can fix your ice maker without spending an unnecessary amount of money.

When your ice maker stops the ice production then there can be several reasons for that. I am going to tell you almost every possible reason for your ice maker to stop working and solutions for that reason. You just have to follow the instructions and find out the actual problem with your ice maker and fix that problem.

One thing I will suggest you that, if your Silonn ice maker is still in the warranty period then do not try to fix it by yourself, take the help of the service center. They will provide the perfect solution for your problem without charging any money for their repair service.

The reasons for the malfunction of the ice maker are-

Power connection

When your ice maker stops working then the very first thing you should do is to check the power connection of the ice maker. You should check whether the plug is connected to the electric outlet or not. If the plug is not connected to the electric outlet then put the plug in the electric outlet properly.

It sounds amusing but it is one of the major reasons for people to think that their ice maker is not working. To make ice the electrical connection is essential, without the electrical connection the ice maker will not work and the ice production will stop. People often forget to give the power to the ice maker and then they start panicking that their ice maker stopped working.

This is why it is very important to check whether you have given the power connection to the ice maker or not.

Check the water supply

After checking the power connection, check the water supply in the ice maker. Sometimes the water supply line gets clogged due to the scale collected in it. The frequent flow of water brings various types of minerals with it and after some time the minerals get collected in one place and block the water from passing through it.

If the water supply line gets clogged then remove the water supply line and clean it properly. Clean all the minerals in it with the help of a thin stick or wire. Once you clean all the scales and then connect the water supply line as it was connected, the water supply will become normal.

One more thing is there to keep in mind and that is to check the water inlet valve. Normally the water inlet valve is behind the ice maker. Check whether it is open or not. Also, check if the valve is damaged. If it is damaged then change the water inlet valve.

Check the water pressure

The pressure of water plays a significant role in the production of ice. Once you have checked the water supply then it’s time to check the pressure of the water. The ice maker needs a particular pressure of water to make ice. Generally, the ice maker needs a pressure of twenty psi(20 psi) to make ice. You can check the pressure of water with the help of a water pressure gauge.

If the water pressure is not proper then check the water supply line. If the supply line is clogged or damaged from anywhere then the pressure will not be proper. In that case, you have to clean the water supply line properly. Check the water inlet valve as well, whether it is properly open or not, if not then open the water inlet valve properly.

Reset the ice maker

If your ice maker is malfunctioning and you don’t know what the actual problem is and it seems like a minor problem, then resetting the ice maker can fix the problem. Resetting the ice maker gives a kickstart to the freezing mechanism, if there is a minor problem in it.

To reset the ice maker you have to press the reset button. Every model of Silonn ice maker has a different location for their reset button, you can take the help of the user guide to find the reset button and how long to press it.

If you do not find the reset button then unplug the ice maker and leave it for a few seconds. Then plug the ice maker back into the electrical outlet. Once you see the blue light turn on the ice maker then you will know that the ice maker is resetting itself.

The ice bin is full

If the ice bin of the ice maker is full then it will prevent the ice maker from making ice. If the ice bin is jammed then also the ice maker will not make ice. This is why the first thing you have to do is to check if the ice bin overflowing or blocked. In that case, the ice maker will not work properly.

If your ice bin is overflowing then take out the ice bin and remove all the ice accumulated in it. Once you remove all the ice then clean it properly and put it back. The ice maker will start making ice once again.

Ice blockage in the mold

Sometimes the ice gets accumulated in the mold of the ice maker. If there is any ice build-up or obstruction in the mold then the ice maker will not work properly.

ice blockage mold

If there is ice built in the mold then remove it with the help of the hair dryer. The ice will melt by the heat of the dryer. You can use a plastic knife as well to remove the ice, but do it gently otherwise you can damage the ice maker. Once you remove the ice maker and then restart the ice maker, it will start working properly.

Check the Thermostat

The thermostat plays a vital role in the ice maker. If there is any problem with the thermostat then the ice maker will start malfunctioning. So, check the thermostat whether it is working properly or not, to check it you can take the help of the user manual.

If the temperature of the thermostat is set too low then it will start freezing ice very fast, it will freeze ice before water goes into the mold. If the temperature is too high then it will not freeze ice properly or in some cases, the ice maker stops making ice. So, check the user manual and set the temperature according to the manual.

Clean the ice maker

After using the ice maker for a long time mineral deposits gets accumulate inside the ice maker. This will affect the ice maker, and it’s freezing mechanism as well. Therefore you have to clean the ice maker once every month and deep clean it every six to eight months.

You have to clean the ice maker and descale the ice maker as well. To clean it properly you can take the help of the manual and follow the instructions properly. You can use the mild cleaning solution and a soft cloth to clean the ice maker.

Defective parts

One more reason for the ice maker not working is the defective parts in the ice maker. If any of the essential parts of the ice maker get defective then the ice maker stops working.

Check the ice maker properly for the defective parts inside it. You have to listen carefully if the ice maker is making any unwanted noise. If you find any defective part then change that part with a new one. You can take the help of the user manual to remove and install that defective part.


How much time does the Silonn ice maker take to rest?

Generally, the Silonn ice maker takes five to ten (5-10) minutes to reset. It may vary according to the condition of the ice maker.

How to fix the Silonn ice maker that is not making ice?

There are several processes to fix the Silonn ice maker because there several reasons for this problem. In general, you have to check the water supply, water pressure, thermostat, blockage in the mold, overflow of the ice bin, and some other reasons.

Where can I find the reset button on the Silonn ice maker?

Generally, the reset button is at the bottom of the Silonn ice maker, but in some models, the reset button can be at the top or at the bottom of the ice tray of the ice maker.

How do I reset my Silonn ice maker?

To reset the Silonn ice maker you have to press the reset button of the ice maker and press the button for several seconds till you hear a beep sound. When you hear the sound remove the finger from the button, and the ice maker will reset itself in five to ten minutes.

Where is the sensor of the Silonn ice maker?

The sensor of the Silonn ice maker is at the side wall of the storage bin. The sensor monitors the ice level in the ice maker.


The malfunction in the ice maker can be very irritating and fixing it is more troublesome. now you can fix the ice maker with this ice maker troubleshooting blog. You can easily fix your Silonn ice maker without the help of a professional. Now you have fixed your ice maker and it started working again, now you can make ice in bulk and use it however you want.