Why Is My Ice Maker Not Working: Troubleshoot Tips

On the hot summer days when you are thirsty and you want a glass of water with ice and when you open your fridge you notice that your ice maker is not working which means your ice maker is not freezing water into ice and you think that why is my ice maker not working?

There can be several reasons for that and at that time it can be very thwarting and annoying as well.

On hot days we need ice for several things and at that time if the ice maker is not working that situation can be exasperating but don’t worry now we can help you find out why the ice maker is not working and also try to help you to fix it as much as possible.

There can be several reasons for this malfunction and some of them are very minute problems that can be fixed very easily and you don’t have to spend a large amount of money to fix it up.

Check the power supply

One of the major reasons for the malfunction or in the simpler way we can say that the ice maker not freezing water into ice is that the main power is not given to the fridge and people keep thinking that the ice maker is not working.

It sounds hilarious but is the truth Some people literally forget to switch on the main power and when they see that their water did not freeze they get vexed and call the service centre and when they get to know that it is their own fault they feel embarrassed.

So it is my first suggestion is to check whether you have given the power or not and if you have not given the power then switch on the power button and wait for some time to turn your water into ice.

Check the temperature control

If you have already given the power but the ice maker is still not freezing the water then check the temperature control setting(temperature sensor) of your fridge.

In all the fridges there is a manual setting tool which we call temperature control and from there we can control the temperature of the fridge manually and set the temperature according to our need, but sometimes we push the defrosting button by mistake and then the fridge will start melting the ice and we think that the ice maker is not working.

This is also one of the common mistakes and you don’t have to worry about it this can be fixed very easily you just have to turn off the defrosting and for that, you just have to push the defrosting button one more time and your ice maker will start working again. Or sometimes we change the temperature too high and that is also a reason for the ice maker to not work properly.

Replace or clean the water filter

Sometimes the reason for the ice maker to not work is the water filter in your fridge either blocked or it got too dirty.

What happens is that sometimes the water filter gets dirty or gets blocked which we call a clogged water line, in smart fridges it indicates that it is time to clean the water filter or to replace the filter but if you don’t have the smart fridge don’t worry you can still find out whether the water filter is okay or not, you just have to taste the water and if the taste of the water is changed from its usual taste the there is a problem.

It is ideal to change or clean the water filter every six months. To know where the water filter is just check the manual that was given to the fridge and you will know where your fridge’s water filter After replacing it the ice maker will start working again.

ice maker issues - fix the problem

Dirt stored in the Ice Maker

Ice makers sometimes don’t work due to lime and mineral deposits building up on the metal plates of the ice maker sometimes what happens is if you are using the ice maker in your fridge for a very long time and you don’t clean it then in your ice maker lime, scale, dirt deposits inside and due to that the ice maker does not work properly and stops freezing ice.

You don’t have to worry about it, you just have to clean the ice maker properly and remove all the dirt and free all the clogged parts adequately, sometimes there is algae also so you have to clean all the dirt and slime and when you clean the ice maker properly give the fridge power and your ice maker will start working again.

Lack of maintenance

If you are using your ice maker for a long time and not maintaining the ice maker properly then it may cause you a loss of money. This is because your ice maker is a machine and every machine needs maintenance and proper care. If you don’t do that then it will definitely stop working.

Sometimes it may be irreparable and then you definitely have to spend your money either on repair or on buying a new fridge.

But there is always a solution you just have to take care of several things and your ice maker will be alright, There are several things you have to do once in a while which is clean your ice maker properly every nine months or every six months if you are living in an area where the water is harsh, then you have to clean the water filter every six months and it will be better if you replace it.

If you do these things accordingly then your ice maker will work properly for a very long time.

Issue of the water valve

It is also one of the common mistakes by which our ice maker does not work and we think that our ice maker is either broken or faulty.

In a refrigerator to make ice it needs the proper water pressure to function properly. The water valve needs at least a water pressure of twenty(20) psi or more according to your ice maker.

Using the wrong valve can also lead to the wrong pressure which can affect the ice maker. To check or to install the right valve read the guide properly which was given with the ridge and install accordingly.

This is very common for people to use the wrong water valve or not install it properly and their ice maker stops working, so at least read the guide once to check whether the valve is properly installed or not.

Thermostat adjustment

Every so often what happens is people mistakenly set the thermostat temperature very low which affects the ice maker. It starts freezing the water very rapidly and after some time it will start freezing the water before it gets into the molds. and it will be getting faster.

If it continues long enough,  it will stop working and it can also get into some technical fault. In this case, you just have to reset the thermostat temperature according to the guide and it will start working again.

Faulty Ice maker components

There are several components of an ice maker but mainly we consider four major components which are the condenser, the compressor, the evaporator, and the expansion valve.

By using these components the ice maker makes ice and controls the temperature. If any one of these or more than one of these components gets faulty by any means then you have to contact the service centre They will provide the perfect guide for that because these things cannot be repaired by us these components are for the professional to handle.

ice maker problem


How do you reset the ice maker on a refrigerator?

To reset your ice maker on a refrigerator you just have to switch off the power line unplug the refrigerator and leave that for five to ten minutes This will help the ice maker to reset and after that plug in the refrigerator.

Why is my ice maker running but not making ice?

There can be several reasons for the ice maker to not work but there are some solvable problems and you can check that. Check whether there is any ice blockage any problem in the water filter, or a jammed ice cube, and if there are any remove them with a plastic knife and defrost your freezer. If there is any dirt clean that and after that, your ice maker will start making ice again.

Why would a refrigerator ice maker stop working?

There can be several reasons for your ice maker to stop working suddenly which is a clogged water filter, a blocked water dispenser, an issue in your refrigerator water supply line, and some other minor issues.

How to reset the refrigerator ice maker?

To reset the refrigerator ice you just have to press the reset button in your refrigerator, You can find the reset button in the small compartment inside your freezer or under it depending on the model of the refrigerator you are using. Just push the button for a few seconds and leave the ice maker to reset.

Is it safe to clean refrigerator coils?

Yes, it is safe to clean your refrigerator’s coil. The work of the coil is to cool the refrigerator and remove the heat outside but sometimes due to dirt it cannot perform its task properly, so it is recommended to clean your refrigerator’s coil while cleaning your fridge or at least clean it every six months.


So Summing up with a few words, if your ice maker is not working then follow all the above instructions one by one, so you will surely solve your issues with the ice maker. After you solve the problem and your ice maker starts working again then enjoy your ice and make your hot day cool.