Why is my LG ice maker not working?

If you own an LG refrigerator, when you open the ice maker and you see that the ice maker is not working then you get a question in your mind Why is my LG ice maker not working?

Many people run into this type of issue and many of them spend money to get their ice maker fixed. Instead of spending money you just read this blog to spot the problem you are facing and fix your problem without spending a penny.

There are several reasons for the ice maker to not work. Many of them are very minor issues and there are very few problems which are major that cannot be solved at home. But these types of problems are very rare.

Problem with the water filter

In your LG ice maker, there is a water filter connected to it. The primary work of the water filter is to filter the water that goes in the ice maker and ensure that the quality of water is good enough for the ice maker. It also maintains the function of the ice maker.

Sometimes the water filter gets clogged by the dirt and minerals of water. Due to the clogged filter, the ice maker stops making ice. After using the ice maker for a long time, it is normal for the water filter to get clogged. Almost every ice maker’s filter gets clogged, so this is not a big issue.

To fix this problem you have to clean the water filter. I will suggest to replace the old water filter with a new one for better performance. It is recommended to clean your ice maker’s filter every six months and do it more often if the quality of your waiter is not good.

Different ice maker has different water filter. Here we are discussing about LG Ice Maker water filter. If you have any other ice maker then check our general ice maker troubleshooting tips.

Improper water supply

To make ice your LG ice maker needs a proper water supply. It means to make ice the ice maker needs a constant water supply and with the help of that water supply your ice maker makes ice. When the supply of water gets unstable then the ice maker does not make proper ice.

If the water supply is improper then the first thing you have to do is to check whether the pipeline is connected to the fridge or not. If the pipeline is connected then check whether it is connected properly or not.

After checking the pipeline check the valve of the pipeline whether the valve is open or not, if it is open then is it open properly or not. Due to half open valve, the water supply gets low which affects the ice maker.

Also, check inside the pipeline because sometimes the pipe gets clogged due to the dirt gathered in it. If there is dirt then clean the pipe with a thin wire or stick which can go inside the pipe and after cleaning the pipe install the pipe as earlier and your water supply will get normal.

Check the power supply

The most common mistake people make is they forget to give power to the fridge and think that their ice maker is not working. Sometimes people get so panicky they even call the service center without checking the fault.

To make sure you don’t make these types of mistakes first thing you do is check the power connection. Check whether you have given the power to the fridge or not and if you have not given the power then the first thing you do is give the power to the fridge.

power cable check ice maker

As you check for the connection also check the wire and the plug. It means that check whether the plug is inside the switchboard properly or not.

Also, check the wire whether there is any cut in the wire. If there is any cut then remove the plug from switch switchboard then join the wire and cover the spot with duct tape or replace the old wire with a new wire.

Temperature of the ice maker

Sometimes people set the wrong temperature for their ice maker. It is very common among a few mistakes that people make. People don’t even realize that what they are doing they just set the temperature according to their mood or what they feel is right.

The temperature varies according to the region but there are some limits for the temperature. If you have set the temperature to more than ten degrees Fahrenheit which is minus five degrees Celsius then your ice maker will not work properly. To work properly ice maker needs less than that temperature.

Ice makers work best at five degrees Fahrenheit to zero degrees Fahrenheit which means minus fifteen degrees Celsius to minus eighteen degrees Celsius. If the temperature is too warm the ice maker will not make ice properly.

Fault in the water inlet valve

When your ice maker is not making ice properly, it makes the uneven ice or the ice is hollow then there is a chance that the water inlet valve in the ice maker is faulty. This is not a big issue but it is very important to look upon. You cannot ignore this problem because if you ignore this problem then your ice maker can get damaged permanently.

The water inlet valve helps in supplying water to the ice maker and also in maintaining the correct water pressure. The valve needs at least 20 lbs of pressure per square inch to function properly. If there is any fault or if the valve is broken then the ice maker will not work properly.

Change the water inlet valve if it is broken or if there is any fault in it. After changing the valve your ice maker will start working again. I will also recommend you to check the valve from time to time and if you find any problem then replace the valve as soon as possible.

Mechanical issues

There are some issues in the parts of the ice maker which we call mechanical issues it is different from other issues because it is from outside. All the other problems are from inside or directly related to the ice maker. Due to a mechanical issue, the ice maker started working improperly.

There are several types of mechanical issues but generally, we focus on two main reasons which affect the ice maker. The first issue is overheating. There are several reasons for overheating but the main reason for that is dust accumulated on the compressor and this leads to overeating and due to this ice maker can stop working.

Another reason for overheating is covering the fridge. Yes, this is also a reason for overheating, if you cover your entire fridge there will be no space for heat to go out and this leads to overheating.

mechanical issue lg ice maker

The second one is your ice maker is making a loud noise. This can happen due to some loose parts in the ice maker and this type of noise can be very irritating to your ears. The noise is also a warning that the ice maker is not working properly and it needs servicing.

To get rid of the overheating you have to clean the compressor properly. In fact, you always have to clean the compressor to keep it working properly and stop it from overheating.

If your ice maker is making noise then find out which part is making noise and then lubricate that part then your ice maker will stop making noise. After doing these things, if still your ice maker is creating problems then call the service center they will provide you with help.

Faulty sensor

This is the problem which is internal. There is a sensor in your LG ice maker that senses the level of ice and stops the ice maker from making too much ice and tells the ice maker to make the proper amount of ice. This type of sensor is either automatic or manual.

If the sensor is manual then there should be a button or small bar in your ice maker to control it. Sometimes by mistake people change the setting. So in a manual setting, you don’t have to take any tension, just change the setting and set the sensor according to the user guide.

If the sensor is automatic then check whether there is any dust accumulated on the sensor. If there is any then clean the sensor properly and restart the ice maker. It will start working again.

Sometimes the sensor gets faulty after long use. This means after several years of work it gets faulty then there is only one thing you can do and that change the sensor.

Components are defective

This is the major issue for your ice maker to not work. There are several components in the ice maker which work together to make ice. If any one of these components stops working or gets faulty then your ice maker will stop working.

The main components of the ice maker are the ice tray mold, compressor, motor, and control panel.

If there is any fault in any one or more than one component then you have to get the professional’s help. You have to call the LG service center, they will provide you with help.

Defective parts

This is a very common issue that is faced by almost every user. Your ice maker is a machine and the part of the ice maker can get defective by the time. Sometimes the parts can be defective from the manufacturer’s side.

If the parts is defective and your ice maker is in the warranty period call the service center they will change the parts for free and if it has passed the warranty period then buy the part and change the defective part with the new part.


Why did my ice maker stop working?

There can be several reasons for your ice maker to not work. There can be defective parts or the main components of the ice maker stopped working. These reasons can stop your ice maker from working. Fix these problems and your ice maker will start working again.

How to reset the LG ice maker?

In your LG ice maker a small button is given under the ice maker Press that button for a few seconds and then leave it your ice maker will reset itself.

How long does it take to make ice in the LG ice maker?

If you have bought a new LG refrigerator and installed it recently then it will take 5-6 hours to freeze ice. After using it it can make ice in less than two hours.

How long the LG ice maker lasts?

Well LG is a very good company, so the LG ice maker can last for very long period and it depends on your usage also. In average, the LG ice maker lasts for 4-5 years easily. If you use it properly then it can last more than 10 years also.

How much electricity does an ice maker consume?

If you are using your ice maker 24/7 then it can consume a good amount of electricity. Understand it this way, it can be twelve to fifteen percent of your total electricity consumption.


LG ice maker is a good ice maker. I can sum up the blog by saying that every machine has its own cons and pros but the LG ice maker will always be on the top of my icemaker list. If you have fixed your problem with the help of my research then it is my pleasure to help you. Now you can make ice can drink your beverage more chilled.

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